I had some very sobering news earlier today. My doctor called with the results of the blood tests she took on Friday. I’m NOT very happy about them either.
I am Vitamin D deficient. I never knew that was a problem. I guess it doesn’t help that I don’t have much dairy in my diet because I’m lactose intolerant. My only dairy comes from cheese which I am able to digest OK. I am going to have to take prescription Vitamin D pills, at least for a while.
I have Hypothyroidism. This actually doesn’t come as a shock to me. I suspect I had it for a long time now. It runs in my family. I also have a nodule (lump) in my Thyroid which might be causing a problem too.
Aside from the slow metabolism my toes and fingers are always cold, my skin is dry and my hair falls out. These are all signs of thyroid issues.
The one thing she told me today really brought me down. I am officially Diabetic. My OB/GYN suspected it when I went to see her for a check up about a month ago. Now it’s confirmed. I officially have Type II Diabetes. I meet with an Endocrinologist on Friday. Sigh…
I am hoping (and praying) that loosing weight will help make the Diabetes go away. I know it never really goes away but you can get it under control where it’s not a big issue. That is what my goal is going to be. I NEED to make Diabetes a “non-issue” and do what I can to get it under control.
The only way I am going to do this (with our without the help of medication) is to lose weight. To loser weight I need to “make healthier choices” (I REFUSE to use the term “diet”) and exercise.
Exercise is not really my thing. Right now my only form of exercise is walking up and down our stairs (we have six flights of steps) and walking the dog. Both of which I need to stop and catch my breath along the way.
We used to have an exercise bike but it stopped working. There was something wrong with the pedals (wouldn’t move) and it wouldn’t have been worth it to get it fixed since it was about 10 years old.
Right now I cannot attend a gym or fitness classes. I need to start small and work my way up to that. Not only am I embarrassed to exercise in public but I am not at that point where I can attend a fitness class. I think that would be “overkill” at this point.
What I need is exercise equipment I can use from home. I would LOVE a treadmill or one of those “all in one” type of fitness equipment like the Total Gym or a NordicTrack.
Does anyone use any exercise/fitness equipment at home that you would recommend? I’m not keen on videos. By the time I figure out how to set up the DVD I’m already frustrated and I don’t want to work out anymore. LOL!
I’d love a trampoline. They look like fun.
If you use something that you would recommend please let me know.
All those years of not taking proper care of myself has finally caught up to me in a big way. Please learn from my mistakes. Do something for yourself RIGHT NOW! Make a conscious effort to watch what you eat. You don’t have to go on a diet. You just need to make better choices. It’s OK to have cookies. Just have one or two, not five or six. Or have two slices of pizza instead of three. You get the idea.
Exercise is key to being healthy too. If you don’t exercise regularly you need to start right away. Take a class or two, join a gym. Just do something to get yourself moving and exercise.
If you are not sure where to go to take fitness classes in your local area, or if you need suggestions on what gym to join, you can also visit the Local Page to find something near you. Simply click on www.LocalPages.com and enter in your search term (fitness, health, gym, weight loss…) to find locations near you. You can even get specific and look for Kick Boxing, Yoga, or even look for weight loss plans or meal services.
Do if for YOURSELF right now! Make a commitment to get in shape. Trust me, you do not want to end up like me. Learn by my example. Do NOT follow in my shoes.
Join me on my journey towards good health.
To encourage you to get in shape and be healthy I have a $50.00 gift certificate that you can use towards health or fitness services in your local area, compliments of Local Pages.
To enter please visit www.LocalPages.com. Do a search for a health or fitness places near you. When you find a place that looks interesting copy and paste the URL in the comment section of this post.
FOR EXAMPLE: I did a search for Weight Loss and found a place called The Food Evolution that sounds interesting. Here is the URL. http://www.localpages.com/ny/bardonia/1854477344-the-food-evolution-diane-hch-chc.html.
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– Blog about this giveaway and include a link back to this post and the Local Pages (LocalPages.com). Please provide the URL of the post.
– Share this giveaway with others on Facebook, Digg, Technorati… Just be sure to tell me what you did and provide a name and/or URL so I can verify.
This giveaway is open to US residents and will end on April 10, 2011 at 11:59 PM (EST). The winner will be chosen at random using a random number generator from all eligible entries. The winner will be notified via e-mail and will have three days to reply with a name and mailing address (no PO Box) or a new winner will be chosen.
Other awesome giveaways are found on the right side bar under “Win It”.
*I was not compensated for this post. I posted this giveaway for the benefit and enjoyment of my site readers.
I am the same with vitamin D and hypothyroidism…and have been dealing with rotten blood sugar issues for years. I hope you can get back to better health too.
I would love to get a certificate for my 30 yr old daughter who is trying so hard to get back in shape and wants to be a mommy. She is doing some kickboxing classes and I think this is where it is:
thanks much!
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Curves sounds like a great place to go for exercise and fitness. I Liked you on facebook…love this
I actually belonged to this gym for 12 years:
but I destroyed my knees doing step aerobics classes, so I didn’t renew my membership. 🙁 Need to find a good, FUN alternative, but so far I haven’t found it!
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http://www.localpages.com/pa/honesdale/1502902189-koles-aerobics-&-fitness-center.html I
I would love to chat via your blog about weight-loss issues. I need to loose 100 lbs! Please enter me into the contest. Thanks for bringing so many helpful articles and giveaways to your readers. I appreciate it. 🙂
Hi Kimberly! I subscribe to your emails. I also follow you via GFC.
I belong to this place at the moment.
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I think Bonsai Cafe looks really great: http://www.localpages.com/il/evanston/1848694840-bonsai-cafe.html
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I’m diabetic too so I feel for you :). I can give you the best 2 tips I have for controlling it which has taken me 3 years to find. 1.you MUST drink the 7-8 glasses of water every single day. 2.Barely eat ANY carbs. I’m not talking per meal I’m talking per day. It’s hard to do but limited carbs will help more than anything. I wish you well I do have a lot of diabetes tips on my blog. Going all day with no bread,flour,pasta,chips,… is key. barb
I found a fitness place nearby:
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Platinum Fitness is right down the street from work. They have many different types of fitness classes that sound fun. I’m really interested to try Zumba.
And on a side note: My parents have a treadmill that I used from time to time, but I hated the impact on my knees. I ended up buying an elliptical and I love it. Much less strain and I can control the resistance.
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i found http://www.localpages.com/me/belfast/1836744798-bay-area-fitness.html
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I’ve been doing Curves since February and Swimming on alternate days. I haven’t lost weight yet, but I am feeling better. I also bought some of those Sketchers Shape-up shoes. I don’t know how much they actually help, but they are a lot less likely to leave me hurting when I walk.
here’s what i found http://www.localpages.com/nc/chapel-hill/1628364062-capital-fitness-spa-health-clubs.html
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I’ve been meaning to start exercising for a while now. But stuff always comes up. Reading your post made me realize I shouldn’t be procrastinating! I heard about Curves before and I think they have a good program. Will check them out!
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I live in a rural community. What’s available to us is the Y and I really miss going there now that my husband is retired and we are on a fixed income.
Here is the url:
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I did a search for fitness centers and this is what I found http://www.localpages.com/ms/clinton/fitness-centers
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I did a search for gyms and I found
Curves for Women26573 Golden Valley Rd
Santa Clarita, CA 91350-5832
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This place looks awesome, I want to join!
I found OFS Healthcare System near me http://www.localpages.com/il/peoria/1850801595-o-s-f-healthcare-system.html
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I found a Curves in my town, never knew it was there.
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Great gym!
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I would choose Curves
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The link below is what I searched.
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I am a member of the Simmon’s Center in Duncan, OK already. Membership is $50 a month (family membership, so my daughter can go into the nursery care to play while I work out! Then my hubby can work out with me or we all swim in the pool a few times a week after he gets off work as a “family time*). It is one of the best gyms I have ever been to. Family friendly and after school friendly as well.
actual website: http://simmonscenter.com/
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This one sounds interesting to me:
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I found the General Nutrition Center nearby. Here’s the link:
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I found this bikram yoga place, looks cool, i hear it can helpy uo get pretty fit: http://www.localpages.com/az/tucson/1624411029-bikram-yoga-tucson.html ( Bmd0006 at gmail dot com )
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I found a pilates studio near me that looks great! http://www.localpages.com/ca/san-francisco/1501937702-centered-body-pilates.html
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This looks like a good place to shop for healthy foods:
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I did a search for ymca and found this one
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I’d love to get healthier with some products from GNC: http://www.localpages.com/mn/elk-river/1600106024-general-nutrition-center.html
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I’d love to take classes (pilates or boot camp) at my local gym.
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I’ve heard good things about the Salem Fitness Center.
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I searched for Yoga near me and found this place that sounds wonderful.
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I’d love to start eating better and trying more organic things. I could shop at:
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I searched for weight loss and found a local gym: http://www.localpages.com/ky/hodgenville/1845358407-snap-fitness.html
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I searched for gyms and found http://www.localpages.com/md/frederick/1598760301-golds-gym.html
I found a pilates place near me! http://www.localpages.com/wi/brookfield/1530166684-absolute-pilates.html
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I did a search for gyms in Cary, NC and found http://www.localpages.com/nc/cary/1845496264-golds-gym.html
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Sounds like I had the same news from my doctor,but I am waiting for the blood work results. I searched and found http://www.localpages.com/il/elgin/1850291409-advanced-medical-and-wellness.html made an appointment online for next week. Good Luck to you!
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It was a difficult choice – given that all three of these charities are very worthy causes – but I finally opted for WATER CAN.
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I found a fitness place in Mukilteo, WA called Hope Fitness that look awesome: http://www.localpages.com/wa/mukilteo/hope-fitness
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I searched and found Anytime Fitness in Cambrdige MN http://www.localpages.com/mn/cambridge/1536668280-anytime-fitness.html
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